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Line Dance - Friday 11:00 - 12:30PM

Updated: Mar 15, 2023

The SBCA Line Dance group is now open to newcomers. You are welcome to join our weekly class on Friday 11:00 a. m. in South Torrance.

Line dance is a fun way to exercise, meet new friends and enjoy popular music. We regularly post our line dance videos on Facebook and participate in community charity events.

Contact Candice by texting (310)800-0626. Non-member can join by first applying for membership through our website:

南灣婦女會新一季的排舞班開始招生囉!每週五上午11點在South Torrance 上課。歡迎志同道合的朋友們踴躍報名參加!

排舞不僅有益身心,而且能讓您的生活更加采多姿。喜歡排舞的朋友們,千萬別錯過機會喔!排舞班每月都會將練成的新舞於SBCA 臉書網頁分享。除此之外,我們還安排不定期的舞台表演,以及參與各項社區的公益活動義演。

學員僅限於南灣婦女會的會員,限額15名,請大家儘早報名。 有興趣者請聯絡 Candice (310)800-0626。若有意成為會員者,請上 網站填妥申請表及付費即可。

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