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Mother's Day Banquet

Updated: May 23, 2022

Over the past 2 years, the members of South Bay Chinese Women Association have worked together with the South Bay community to fight the pandemic. On May 7th, in honor of mothers, our long-waited 2022 banquet was held at Depot Restaurant in Torrance with almost 100 guests attended.

The banquet started with an opening speech by our president Ms. Candice Hom. Throughout the evening, good food was accompanied by member performances, raffle drawing, and lots of laughter. This successful event raised much-needed funds, especially during the pandemic, for our local charities. We would like to give a big thank you to our generous sponsors -- Ms. Christine Chui, Mr. Stephen Haw, Ms. Niki Lin, and Eye Care Riviera Optometric Group as well as to the hard work of our board members.

South Bay Chinese Women's Association is thriving attributed to all of the members' efforts. While it is our mission to support local charities, we pay special attention to those often overlooked and under-served groups of all ethnicities, ages, and genders in the South Bay community.

To expand our organization so we can serve more people, our president, Ms. Candice Hom, has decided to reorganize the association as "South Bay Chinese Association". Currently we provide all kinds of group activities, including but not limited to line dance, hiking, ma-jong, floral arrangement, golf, pickle ball, beach walking, wine tasting, etc. We hope our association is a place where people love to come to make new friends, learn new skills, serve together, and have lots of fun. We are now actively recruiting new members for our diverse and inclusive association. Please come join us today!

在過去的兩年多來,我們廣大僑胞齊心協力抗擊疫情,為中美友誼做出貢獻。 隨著生活逐漸邁向常態,我們深懷無比喜悅、感恩、期待的心情迎來了南灣華人婦女會2022年的第一場晚會。五月七日晚上六點在托掄斯 Depot Restaurant 由婦女會理事長 Candice Hom 女士的致辭下拉開序幕。

本次晚會主題是“感恩母親,感恩有你”。 全場晚會長達3小時,出席賓客近百人,大家歡聲笑語,有勁歌熱舞,有抽獎助興,熱情高漲,欲罷不能,充分體現了南灣華人婦女會的號召力,也彰顯了南灣華僑共襄盛舉的凝聚力。

在晚會的籌辦過程中,非常感謝各位贊助人士 Ms. Christine Chui, Mr. Stephen Haw, Ms. Niki Lin, 以及 Eye Care Riviera Optometric Group 理事們踴躍捐款並捐贈禮品,為晚會的順利舉辦群策群力。

南灣華人婦女會鼓勵會員積極參與社團活動,豐富美好生活,進而彼此互相扶持,人人關心社區。 婦女會不僅有排舞,健行,繪畫,麻將,網球,高爾夫,Pickle Ball 等活動,現在還新增紅酒品鑒及兩個海邊健走社團。 我們希望大家喜愛參加協會活動,來此結交新朋友,學習新技能,一起服務社會,並享受歡樂時光。

為了讓協會活動更多元化,包容性更強,並且服務更多人群,理事長 Candice 女士在晚會上公佈了一個好消息:協會將於今年更名為南灣華人協會。 晚會期間,男性同胞們立即積極響應,踴躍加入協會。隨著協會會員隊伍的日趨壯大,現今南灣華人協會更積極廣納賢才,號召更多賢達人士加入,為持續做出豐富多彩的活動注入新血。 請現在就加入我們吧!

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