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Charity Masquerade - 10/22/2022

Our much anticipated annual banquet and dance party will take place on the evening of October 22 at the Double Tree by Hilton in Torrance. Inspired by the 16th century Renaissance culture of glamour, royalty, and mystery, our party theme this year is the mysteriously fascinating masquerade. You and your guest of honor are invited to put your creativity to work and dress up for a uniquely beautiful banquet. Please join us for an enchanted evening of live music, dance, gourmet dinner, and fun surprises!

南灣婦女會今年預定在托侖斯的 Double Tree by Hilton 舉辦盛大的年度化裝舞會暨年會。十月二十二日週六晚上,讓我們穿上華麗古典的服飾,戴上若隱若現的化裝面具,在金秋璀璨的夜晚,攜伴盛裝出席這場似夢似幻的神秘邀約!屆時,我們將秉持一貫原則,將美食、氣氛、獎品、音樂完美搭配,帶給各位一個盡興難忘的年會。

時間: 10/22/2022 (週六) 下午6:00 - 11:00pm

地址: Double Tree by Hilton (21333 Hawthorne Blvd, Torrance CA 90503)

主辦單位: SBCWA

費用: 會員 $110, 非會員 $120 (包括食物)

付款方式: Zelle

聯絡方式: (310)800-0626 電話或簡訊

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